Brooklyn 英语 Department

Brooklyn 英语 Department

Discover the power of your critical voice. Explore the written word. 做好准备.

If the intricacies of language and literature excite you, then an 英语 major at St. Joseph’s University could the perfect fit for you. Our 英语 Department shows students how stories have the potential to change the world.

Dive in and learn about the 历史 and politics of literary art from dedicated professors who are experts in their fields. 与圣. Joseph’s intimate class sizes, you’ll join a unique and supportive learning environment, where you will learn as much about yourself, 你的才能, and your future as you will about literary 历史.

Gain the analytic skills necessary to succeed in graduate school or in the job of your dreams. Excel on a meaningful career path in the field you love. 做好准备 to put pen to paper and make a difference in the world with an 英语 degree from 澳门足彩app.

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"The 英语 department at St. Joseph’s University gave me the tools I needed to excel in graduate school. I was taught the importance of diligence, commitment and refinement of one’s voice. Without such a fantastic faculty, I never would have found myself earning a master’s degree at Columbia University."

The Brooklyn 英语 Experience

选择权在你: An 英语 degree pairs well with such minors as art 历史, 社会学, 哲学, religious studies and Spanish.


研究经验: Conduct research and present your thesis at conferences across the country. Our students are often recognized at regional and national levels.


Broad Range of Opportunities: A degree in 英语 gives students an edge in teaching, 新闻, 法律, publishing and many other fields.


What can you do with a degree in 英语?

An 英语 degree will give you the tools necessary to succeed in graduate school, or get started in a wide range of careers. Employers in many fields hire job applicants with 英语 degrees, considering that these candidates possess excellent comprehension, communication and public speaking skills.



英语 Secondary Education Major
Develop expertise in an exciting area of 英语 education.

The 英语 Department at our Brooklyn campus will prepare you to teach at the secondary level. Spring ahead of the competition, as you hone in on a concentration in biology, 英语, 化学, 历史, mathematics or Spanish.



Take your career further.

Taking a minor in 英语 can guarantee that you graduate with advanced knowledge of language and literature. You will enhance your resume by enrolling in 英语 courses that complement your major



Immerse yourself in the media world.

Connect with your creative side with a minor in film and media, and become the kind of communicator you were meant to be, as you analyze the strategies of top professionals in the business.



英语, Area of Concentration for Child Study
Build your teaching resume.

Prepare for your future as a teacher with a concentration in 英语. Blend your language and communication skills with your teaching methodology, and become the best educator you can be.
