

长岛校区澳门足彩app, New York offers eligible entering first year students** the opportunity to participate in a three-semester honors program as part of their bachelor’s degree.

The program provides an enriched and rigorous academic experience, meeting the special needs of those students who have demonstrated extraordinary academic accomplishment and ability and who are committed to achieving their full potential.

澳门足彩app recognizes that some students have additional needs due to their superior achievements and intense desire for knowledge. The honors program offers these gifted academic students a 社区 within our larger 社区. While these students do share some common classes within the honors program, they also take courses outside the program based on their personal choices each semester. This offers them the perfect balance of academic challenge, 社区, and flexibility to explore new areas and meet new people.


“Getting to know people with all different interests and even getting to travel to another country with some of them is something that most college students are not granted the opportunity to do. With the guidance of great professors and experiencing new courses with a close-knit group, 荣誉课程使我的澳门皇冠app experience an experience of a lifetime.”



Students selected to participate in the honors program form a learning 社区, taking several courses towards their core requirements that will provide an interdisciplinary perspective. Faculty teaching in the program collaborate as members of the learning 社区 and seek and implement ways to challenge students in their intellectual development. 

Honors program courses are taken in the first year, 然后是一个顶点课程(LA 201), (1学分), 二年级的秋天. 在他们大二的春天, participants will travel with their honors cohorts and some faculty as they broaden their understanding of the world from academics to cultural adventuring.   

In recent years, the 荣誉项目 students have visited:

  • 爱尔兰
  • 法国巴黎
  • 布拉格,捷克共和国和克拉科夫,波兰
  • 罗马和佛罗伦萨
  • 希腊

 Successful completion of the program is noted on the student’s transcript, and becomes part of the student’s permanent academic record.


除了旅行部分, 荣誉学生参加其他活动, guest lecturers and local visits which complement course content and provide students an enriched academic and social experience that foster personal and intellectual development.


To be considered for the program, a student must have:

  • 被澳门皇冠app*
  • achieved a minimum 1270 SAT score (calculating the verbal and mathematics portion; the writing score will be noted as supplemental) or ACT score of 26
  • earned a 90 high school grade point average or higher
  • demonstrated above-average verbal and written communication skills
  • 表示对荣誉课程感兴趣

*Admission to this program is determined by committee review and in no way affects general admission status or financial aid.

Eligible students who have been admitted to the University are sent a letter from the Academic Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Coordinator of the 荣誉项目, 邀请他们申请. A one-page application is included and we urge interested students to return the application and a brief statement of interest as soon as they can.  

一旦被录取, the students will receive notification from the University and are invited to contact 荣誉项目 Committee Chair Wendy Turgeon with questions and for further information.


Freshmen join together as a 社区 of learners for a three-semester sequence of courses designed especially for the honors program for a total of 16 credits. 样本课程包括:

  1. Topical Freshman Seminar (required of all new freshmen)
  2. 哲学或伦理学邀请(哲学)
  3. 艺术与传播(美术)
  4. 短篇小说(英文)
  5. 国家和地方政府(政治学)
  6. 社会问题(社会学)
  7. One Interdisciplinary course such as Globalization of Food and The Ancient World
  8. Capstone Seminar is a 1-credit flexible course that is built around the anticipated travel destination


在大二的春季学期, students travel to a destination as part of experiential learning. Recent destinations include Paris, 爱尔兰, Prague and Krakow. The fall capstone course (LA 201) focuses on the history and culture of the city/country of the trip destination. See our student-produced slide show of the 2015 honors trip to Krakow and Prague in the right column of this page.


**While the current program is open only to new entering first year students, the University is developing courses as Honors options which will be available to all current students who meet the GPA requirement of a 3.5 in their college work and who apply for acceptance into the Honors courses. 


Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management