长岛校区 高级证书

长岛校区 高级证书

高级研究生证书课程是为专业人士寻找深入的课程内容领域,如教育, 医疗保健管理, 人力服务领导, Human 资源 or Management of Health Information Systems.

The Advanced 研究生 Certificates provide students with study in specialized areas, 以及, the latest 领导 and Management tools for career advancement. 

To complete a certificate you must take 4-5 courses in your chosen area of study.  必修课程, 如果有任何,  for the certificates will be determined by your graduate admissions counselor.



Offered as a fully online or a fully land-based option!

作为持牌行为分析师, 学生将有机会与被诊断为自闭症的人一起工作, 包括学校在内的各种公立和私立环境中的自闭症谱系障碍或相关障碍, 房屋, 天计划, 社区, residential and vocational training settings, businesses and related human service agencies.


Bilingual Certificate Extension

本证书扩展计划适用于具有幼儿基础证书的教师, Early Childhood Special Education, Childhood Education and/or Childhood Special Education, 及中学教育. The courses offered are appropriate for teachers who, 除了英语之外, 精通另一种语言,并希望通过在双语课堂或作为言语和语言障碍学生的教师学习知识和发展能力来继续他们的教学专业知识.



家庭护士执业高级证书课程采用互动学习和实际临床经验的动态混合,使家庭护士从业人员能够熟练地服务于不同的社区, taking a holistic approach within the family and community framework. 具有丰富实际经验的杰出教师指导学生完成19学分的课程,精心设计,为护士提供必要的理论和实践基础.


  • Applicants must have a master’s degree in nursing from a nationally accredited program (ACEN, NLNAC or CCNE) with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0.
  • Submit a copy of your current RN License. 申请人需要有至少一年的临床领域的注册护士经验,需要医院设置的急症护理技能, home care or long term care facility.
  • Submit proof of certificate of basic life-support training.
  • Complete two letters of recommendation. References can be from the applicant’s superiors (manager, 主管, staff educator) in the health care setting, 或者一份来自上级,另一份来自申请人获得护理学士学位或硕士学位的教师. 这些信应该说明申请人的学术和临床技能以及他们完成项目的能力.
  • 提交一份200-250字的个人陈述,说明你有兴趣在这个研究领域攻读研究生的原因.




The 医疗保健管理 Certificate program emphasizes the identification, 分析, and solutions of complex issues and problems facing the health care professional today. 学生学习评估技术和发展战略思维技能,使他们能够有效地领导, 提高质量, 提高生产率, and manage costs within their health care 组织s.



人力资源管理证书课程为从业人员提供当前人力资源趋势和实践的高级研究. An emphasis is placed on understanding the role of human resources within an 组织, and developing human resources plans consistent with an 组织’s strategic objectives.





Management of Health Information Systems

卫生信息系统管理证书课程旨在发展或提高学生在规划方面的专业知识, 发展, and implementation of health information systems. 学生将专注于健康信息系统如何通过最新的方法和技术来改善医疗保健的提供, 组织, use and evaluation of health care information.



数学教育高级证书旨在为初高中教师提供技能和背景知识,以提高他们的数学课堂教学. Candidates for program completion will have a better understanding of the classes they teach, gain teaching ideas and lesson plans, and communicate effectively and work collaboratively within the context of a global society. Fifteen credits are required to complete this certificate. This certificate program is fully online. 


Certificate students can take five of the following courses. 请注意,MAT 566和MAT 510可以采取多次,因为他们提供了不同的主题.

MAT 505 – Integrating Technology in 数学教育
MAT 510 – Exploring the Next Generation Standards 
MAT 546 – Probability and Statistical Inference 
MAT 562 -现代几何
MAT 566 -专题


高级证书旨在满足希望继续学习和推进优质护理教育的注册护士的需求. The 12 credit program prepares the student to teach in nursing programs at the LPN, 的同事, bachelor's and master's levels, and in hospitals and health care facilities. The program is open to qualified nurses who have a master's degree in nursing.



Become a leader in education after only 五门课程. 与一个 9000美元的学费, 我们的学校建设领导高级证书课程为行政候选人提供成为学校建设领导所需的理论和实践准备. The course of study includes educational leadership and administration, 教育法律, 政策与道德, 课程与教学, and an administrative practicum at the school building level. 项目完成后, the administrative candidate will have been exposed to the knowledge, skills and dispositions required of school building leaders, thereby providing a strong foundation for taking the NYS SBL certification examination.


  • A non-refundable $25 application fee.
  • An official graduate transcript from any colleges or universities attended. (该计划的申请人应完成认可的教师教育本科和研究生课程,至少3分.0 GPA).
  • Two letters of recommendation are required, with at least one from an academic source, and at least one from a professional source.
  • The candidate should submit a current resume, which includes chronological dates of employment or student teaching.
  • 候选人的纽约州教师证书复印件应与申请一起提交. 
  • 个人陈述.
  • Minimum three years of teaching

With only three more courses and a total tuition of $14,400, 将校楼领导高级证书与学区领导高级证书相结合.


校舍负责人 & 学区领导

Elevate your career in education with eight courses and a tuition of $14,400 同时获得了校楼领导和学区领导高级证书. 这些课程提供了深入了解成为学校建筑和地区领导者所必需的理论和实践. The course of study includes educational leadership and administration, 教育法律, 政策与道德, 课程与教学, school business administration, pupil personnel services and two administrative practica, one at the building level and one at the district level. Upon completion of these programs, the administrative candidate will have been exposed to the knowledge, skills and dispositions required of school district leaders, 从而为参加NYS SBL和SDL认证考试提供了坚实的基础.


  • A non-refundable $25 application fee.
  • An official graduate transcript from any colleges or universities attended. (该计划的申请人应完成认可的教师教育本科和研究生课程,至少3分.0 GPA).
  • Two letters of recommendation are required, with at least one from an academic source, and at least one from a professional source.
  • The candidate should submit a current resume, which includes chronological dates of employment or student teaching.
  • 候选人的纽约州教师证书复印件应与申请一起提交. 
  • 个人陈述.
  • Minimum three years of teaching



向其他语言的人教授英语的高级证书(TESOL)旨在为已经持有硕士学位的认证教师做好准备,以了解英语作为一种额外语言的基础. 这个项目展示了读写能力和语言教学技巧,同时帮助学生发展用母语和英语教授核心学科领域的技能和方法. 该项目还培养了对语言学和语法在K-12年级第二语言学习中的作用的理解.

