
一旦你被澳门皇冠app you will be contacted by the 招生 Off冰 concerning the processing of your I-20.

一旦你收到你的I-20,你必须支付“SEVIS I-901”费用. 这笔费用必须在预约学生签证之前支付. Please do not forget to bring your "SEVIS I-901" fee payment receipt to your student visa appointment. 你可以在网上支付费用 www.fmjfee.com. 完成此步骤后, you can set up an appointment to secure an F-1 non-immigrant visa interview at the United States Embassy or Consulate in your home country.

你需要带上你的录取通知书, supporting financial paperwork and other supporting documents with you to the student visa interview.

SEVIS I-901费用说明

9月1日生效, 2004, the Department of 首页land 安全 implemented regulations requiring a SEVIS fee for students and scholars in the SEVIS system. Effective October 27, 2008 the fee was increased to $200 for all the students applying for F-1 visa. The regulations describing who must pay the fee and how to pay it are described below. 详情请浏览网页 冰.gov / sevis.


  • Either have been accepted into an approved school or be currently enrolled in one. 你需要一份I-20表格.
  • 确定你是否需要支付费用. 有关更多信息,请参阅下面的部分.
  • 及时缴纳费用,以便在以下任何一项之前办理:
    • 领事或国土安全部官员必须对你的签证做出决定,
    • 进入美国或
    • 其他需要缴费的申请. 



  • 新申请学生身份(F-1)
    If you are applying for an F1 student visa for the first time ever, pay the SEVIS I-901 Fee. (New students may skip the immediate following paragraphs and go directly to the How to Pay section.)
  • Applicants Reapplying for Student Status (F-1) after a Denial of that Status
    • If you have not previously paid the SEVIS I-901 fee, pay the SEVIS I-901 fee.
  • Do not pay the SEVIS I-901 fee, if you already paid the SEVIS I-901 fee and are:
    • 在被拒签之日起12个月内重新申请签证
    • From a country for which an F-1 visa is not required and you are reapplying for status as a student at the POE within 12 months of the date of initial denial
    • Filing a motion to reopen a denied change of status application for a change of status to F-1
  • 在美国继续学习的学生(F-1)
    • 如果你是在读学生, 谁保持身份,但没有完成你的学习计划, 不支付SEVIS I-901费用.
    • 如果你是在读学生, 谁保持了状态,并且正在转移或更改程序级别, 不支付SEVIS I-901费用.
    • If you are a student who has been out of status for less than five months, 不支付SEVIS I-901费用.
    • 如果你是一个学生,已经超过五个月的身份, 在申请恢复之前支付SEVIS I-901费用.
  • 不在美国的继续学生(F-1)
    • 如果你是在读学生 who has been out of the United States for less than five months and 在离开美国之前保持了你的身份, 不支付SEVIS I-901费用.
    • 如果你是在读学生 who has been out of the United States for more than five months, 在离开美国之前保持了你的身份, 并一直参加国外的授权学习, 不支付SEVIS I-901费用.
    • If you are a student who has been out of the United States for more than five months and have not participated in authorized study abroad, 你将不再被国土安全部视为在读学生. You need a new initial Form I-20 from a school and you need to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee.
    • If you are a student who did not maintain status or you completed a previous program, 你将不再被国土安全部视为在读学生. You need a new initial Form I-20 from a school and you need to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee.
  • 学生配偶或未成年子女
    • 如果你是学生的配偶或未成年子女, 不支付SEVIS I-901费用 unless you are applying to change status to F-1, M-1, 或j - 1.

表格i - 901

You will need to fill in a 表格i - 901 with information from your Form I-20 and pay the required fee. 对大多数人来说, SEVIS I-901费用为200美元. You have the option of paying an additional $30 to have your receipt sent by expedited delivery (courier serv冰) rather than by mail.

你可以在网上填写I-901表格 fmjfee.com 或将纸质版本发送至:

I-901学生/交流访问者处理费.O. 街970020号信箱. 路易斯,密苏里州63197-0020美国

If you fill in the 表格i - 901 online and choose the option to pay by check or money order, 您将能够打印付款券. 优惠券的顶部有一个控制号码. 写控制号, your name and your SEVIS ID number on your check or money order and attach the coupon. 

与SEVIS有关的联邦法律, (8 USC§1372 (e)(5)), requires that a student present proof of payment 之前 being granted a visa or admission.

SEVIS I-901费用支付收据, 以及SEVIS和I-901支付系统中的电子记录, 作为付款凭证. 在大多数情况下,您的付款可以通过电子方式进行验证. 但是,SEVP建议您保留收据的副本. 有收据就更容易证明你已经付款了. There are cases where your current SEVIS ID number may be different from the number you paid on. 当你去签证面试或申请签证时,收据也很有用, 如果你是免签的, 在POE申请F-1身份. The receipt is also your assurance that your payment and fee information were properly processed and posted.

What do I need to take to the embassy or consulate to prove I paid my SEVIS I-901 fee? 

我们强烈建议您携带SEVIS I-901费用收据. While the embassy or consulate should be able to electronically verify your payment, having the receipt with you proves that the payment was processed correctly and speeds the verification process.

If you paid the SEVIS I-901 fee using a Form I-20 from a different school than the one you will attend, 带上你在缴费时使用的I-20表格, 除了你将要就读的学校的表格之外. If there is no fee differential, the SEVIS I-901 fee you paid will be accepted. 


Only those who are required to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee will need a receipt. 如果你被要求支付费用,你就必须这样做 之前 your visa interview or filing an application for reinstatement, change of status, etc.

Keep your receipts along with other records pertaining to your nonimmigrant status. 在下列情况下,备一份副本会有所帮助:

  • 在同一所学校继续学习期间申请后续签证
  • 申请任何与工作相关的福利
  • 进入美国
  • 向移民局提交请愿书或申请 

我支付SEVIS I-901费用并收到收据需要多长时间? 

The length of time it takes to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee and get a receipt depends on how long it takes for:

  • 您将获得I-901表格信息并向SEVP付款
  • SEVP处理付款
  • SEVP将收据送到您提供的地址 

将SEVIS I-901付款从一个SEVIS ID #转移到另一个SEVIS ID #:

What are the basic rules for applying a SEVIS I-901 fee payment from one SEVIS ID number to another? 

The basic rules for moving a SEVIS I-901 fee payment between SEVIS ID numbers are:

  • The SEVIS I-901 fee must be moved between SEVIS ID numbers for the same individual
  • An additional SEVIS I-901 fee is not required (For more information, see the website)
  • The SEVIS I-901 fee amount for the new school or program must be less than or equal to the    SEVIS I-901 fee already paid
  • 只有学生可以要求搬家 

如果您对这个过程有疑问,请访问 冰.gov / sevis / i901,或联系:

Linda Lubranski, Coordinator of Global Studies, and Director of Academic Engagement
电话: 631.687.1280
电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)