在线 Bachelor’s Degree 项目

Continue your higher education with a bachelor's degree.

B.S. in Criminal Justice Practice and Policy
Develop individual analytical and critical thinking.

The dynamic, multidisciplinary criminal justice degree at St. Joseph’s engages students in a number of areas, including sociology, political science, 心理学, 哲学, forensic bioscience and criminal justice. 刑事司法计划在广泛的文科课程中提供该领域的专门课程, and graduates emerge with the critical thinking skills, 反思的世界观和职业灵活性,以追求研究生学习或进入就业市场.

Unlike other programs, 该学位更侧重于在该领域已知有效的循证实践, 刑事司法政策分析以评估对犯罪和定量应用的替代反应-所有这些都是高级专业人员的基本技能.

圣霍普金斯大学刑事司法实践与政策理学学士学位在线课程. 约瑟夫大学是为已经在该领域工作的刑事司法专业人员创建的一个独特的项目, but who needs a college degree in order to further advance their career.




B.S. in 一般的研究
Meet, and make, yourself.

B.S. in 一般的研究 is a highly flexible academic option, 特别适合想要创新学习体验以培养21世纪能力的成人学生. 该计划建立在一位顾问的个性化关注基础上,他将帮助设计一个以学生的优势为中心的学术途径, 前教育, experience and goals.



一个个性化的学位计划是由一系列广泛的课程和证书项目组成的, 确保通识教育的学生掌握个人和专业技能,以获得全面和适销对路的教育.




B.S. in Health Administration
Start your health care career, and lead the way.

Health administration covers a wide spectrum of professions, 我们的许多在线学生已经拥有卫生领域的证书. Some are in radiologic technology, nursing and medical records. 然而,其他人只是想通过这个项目提高他们的职业前景.

我们的B.S. 通过包括组织行为学在内的广泛课程,发展管理技能和知识, comprehensive health planning, human resources management, long-term health care administration, staff development, financial management and home care administration.

This major fosters the development of knowledge skills, intellectual skills, and personal value systems. 该计划为学生提供了探索和理解与提供医疗保健服务有关的不同思想和文化的机会.



B.S. in 人力资源
Prepare for a career in human resources management.

新的人力资源理学学士学位是一个120学分的项目,课程设置包括替代性争议解决, Employee Benefits Management, Organizational Development, Talent Management and compensation. 该学位旨在为学生在人力资源管理方面的职业生涯做准备.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for an HR manager is $102,他们预计,到2024年,人力资源经理的就业增长率将达到9%.

Human resource management is a growing field, 而且,为我们的学生提供实习和工作的雇主对人力资源专业的需求也很大. 在该地区已经建立了研究生和证书课程,以及现有的人力资源管理协会(SHRM)联盟协议, St. Joseph’s University has a strong foundation on which to build. 该项目拥有教师专业知识、已建立的课程和经过验证的成功模式.




B.S. in 人类服务
Want to make a positive impact? 从这里开始.

Addictions counselors, mental health workers, 辅助生活管理人员和外展工作者都是这个领域潜在的职业机会.

我们的在线人力服务学士学位会带来各种各样的职业和教育机会, including graduate studies in social work, mental health counseling and human services administration. The programs include specialized courses in addictions counseling, case management, 老年医学, family and child welfare, as well as human services administration. 


课程 (Professional)


B.S. in Organizational Management
Advance your career.

Employees in almost every field seek career advancement. This online degree program is vital in every field of business.

组织管理理学学士向领导者展示了使他们能够做出更好决策的概念. 机构的结构,因为它涉及到决策审查,以帮助学生了解公司结构对商业成功的影响.

The program fosters career and educational advancement, 通过为在职成年人提供有效管理人力资本的知识和技能,提高管理效率.  B.S. 《澳门足彩app》为领导者提供了最前沿的战略,使他们能够成功地经营组织. 经过专门培训和丰富工作经验的主管或经理将受益于该计划.

学位的所有要求都可以在你的电脑上完成. With experienced faculty and support services for online learners, including a dedicated academic advisor, 大学致力于帮助你实现你的个人和职业目标.

Whether earning your bachelor’s degree or building your master’s, online learning is a valuable resources for you. 在线 education is flexible, 随时可访问,让您有机会按照自己的节奏学习. 我们的在线讲师提供丰富的知识和工具供您使用.




B.S. 在心理学中
Understand yourself and others.

Whether you’re an adult deciding to pursue or complete a university degree, a professional seeking a different career path, 或者是一个想要补充你的军事背景和经验的军人, a B.S. 在心理学中 from SJNY is a great choice for you. 我们的课程将帮助您了解人类的思想和行为-这是许多职业的基本方面-并吸引所有类型的雇主的兴趣.

The strong academic foundation of St. 约瑟夫的心理学专业为学生在社会服务机构的入门级工作做准备, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, educational institutions, 医院, 养老院, pharmaceutical firms, rehabilitation centers, community organizations, religious organizations, research positions, and correctional institutions. In addition to career readiness, those completing their B.S. 将准备继续他们在许多研究生水平的心理学和相关课程的教育.



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