Study Abroad Checklist

Study Abroad Checklist

Some do’s and don’ts to help you prepare for your short- or long-term global learning experience.


  • Submit a completed application including a behavior agreement, a copy of your medical insurance card, passport and full payment to the Office of 全球研究.
  • Contact your health insurance company regarding your international medical coverage. St. Joseph's University requires international medical insurance for all participants.
  • Consult your doctor and dentist prior to departure. Depending on your needs, bring enough prescription medication for the duration of the program, extra contact lenses or glasses, 等. Also bring medications for common ailments and a small first aid kit to treat minor blisters, 削减, 等.
  • Consider purchasing 旅行 insurance.
  • Call your credit card company and bank to notify them of your 旅行 plans and inquire about applicable fees. Write down international phone numbers for each credit card and put them in your suitcase. If something gets lost, you can easily contact the company.
  • Make two copies of your itinerary, contact information, 机票, visa (if necessary), passport data page and medical insurance card. Keep one copy separate from the originals and leave one with a trusted family member or friend.
  • 注册在 一步.状态.政府 /步骤 so the State Department can better assist you in an emergency.

  • Don’t forget to call your cell phone service provider to discuss international service and fees. Calling cards are also a good option.
  • Don’t wear provocative or expensive attire that draws unnecessary attention. Respect the culture of your host country.
  • Don’t carry large sums of money. Avoid keeping cash and important documents in unsecured backpacks, purses and pockets.
  • Don’t assume that customs and laws are the same as those in the United States. Familiarize yourself with local customs and laws prior to departure.
  • Don’t 旅行 alone at night, get involved in public demonstrations or engage in loud or argumentative behavior.
  • Don’t forget to check 天气 and 旅行 conditions prior to departure so you have appropriate attire for your stay.
  • Don’t forget to attend the pre-departure orientation meetings for a detailed discussion of dos and don’ts.