

澳门足彩app, New York gives students the opportunity to choose a study abroad program that meets their academic and personal interests. For guidance in choosing a program, contact the 全球研究 office.

Once you choose a program, please log in to the portal and electronically complete the Long-Term Study Abroad 全球研究 application process.

Reputable Study Abroad Providers

Academic 项目 International (API)

API arranges study abroad programs, in 38 cities. API supports students before, during and after study-abroad.  Housing facilities, and health and safety debriefings are included with enrollment. 


American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS)

AIFS is one of the oldest, largest and most respected cultural exchange organizations in the world. AIFS partnership programs are formal arrangements between educational institutions and AIFS in which AIFS provides logistical support, 学生服务, classroom and housing facilities at a location abroad.


Amizade Global Service-Learning

Amizade empowers individuals and communities through worldwide service and learning. Amizade values community-driven service, 故意学习, intercultural immersion and exchange, global citizenship and reflective inquiry.

Amizade Gobal Service-Learning Website


成立于1997年, CEA provides customized internships and support all the way through the intern/study abroad process. They have destinations in 21 cities across 12 countries



CIS offers study abroad and internship programs. CIS provides support through the entire study abroad process, and partners with local universities in order to offer a variety of classes.


Florence University of the Arts

作为澳门足彩app, students can attend Florence University of the Arts at a discounted rate. Florence University of the Arts (FUA) provides hands-on opportunities for students to intern inside and outside the school. As part of classwork students can assist in running the university restaurant, 时尚精品, 印刷机, 还有艺术画廊. FUA offers a lot of flexibility for students to attend classes for 3 weeks throughout the school year, 1月, 和夏天. Read Alyssa Bosco's story of interning and taking classes at Florence University of the Arts. 

Florence University Website


海上学期 is  in its 50th year of providing global comparative education. On board students study in shipboard classrooms, and while in the 8-10 ports students engage in field excursions, participate in service learning, and communicate with local foreign leaders.


University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia

澳门足彩app is pleased to announce its study abroad partnership with the University of the Sunshine Coast 在澳大利亚昆士兰. 

To learn more about Queensland, please use the following links:

University of the Sunshine Coast Website


Any student interested in studying abroad at the University of the Sunshine Coast must complete the following documents prior to registering for the program and submit a copy of all paperwork to the Office of 全球研究.

  • 学生必须填写一份 留学申请 and provide proof of a valid passport and international medical insurance. Completed applications must be returned to the Office of 全球研究.
  • 学生必须填写一份 permission to take off-campus courses for credit form, have it signed by the chairperson of their major department, and return it to the registrar’s office.
  • Deadlines for the upcoming semesters are:
    • Semester 1: Semester 1: February-June.
    • Semester 2: July-November.


Long-term study abroad options are available to 澳门足彩app students. If you would like to study abroad for a full semester or a summer, please visit the Office of 全球研究 in Room 3, 奥康纳大厅, off the Student Hospitality Lounge or email (电子邮件保护) 或致电631.687.1280查询详情.